Actors That Avoid Watching Their Own Movies

As an actor, after spending months and sometimes years working on a project, you would think that you would want to see the final result, right? Well, for some actors, seeing every film they make isn't at the top of their priorities. Whether it's because they were embarrassed by the film, didn't have the time, or were too nervous to watch their work, here's a list of actors that never watched their movie right when it was released, even if it was one of their greatest successes.

Johnny Depp Ran Out Of The Theaters During The First Pirates of The Caribbean

Johnny Depp may have played the rum-loving, arrogant Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, but he definitely wasn't in character for the first film's premiere.

Picture of Johnny Depp
Walt Disney Pictures
Walt Disney Pictures

He told Ellen DeGeneres that he ended up running out of the theater, saying, "I saw part of maybe, maybe the first one. I ran out anyway, it doesn't matter. Ran out like a scared rat." Depp continued his tradition of not watching the film until the fifth and final installment, which he watched because it only felt right.


Javier Bardem Can't Look At His Own Face


Audiences may love Javier Bardem, no matter how threatening he can be in some of his films, but he doesn't understand why. In a 2012 interview with GQ, he said, "The fact that I like to make characters doesn't mean I like to watch my characters being made, my performance."

Photo of Bardem
Miramax Films
Miramax Films

He further explained how he has a hard time looking at himself saying "I can't even watch that... those ridiculous eyes. I can't handle that. But when I'm doing it, I don't see my nose or hear my voice."


Adam Driver Hid During The Premiere Of BlacKkKlansman


Star actor Adam Driver once told The New York Times that after seeing himself in the Coen Brothers' Inside Llewyn Davis, he didn't want to watch himself at again. He held himself to this promise during the premiere of Spike Lee's BlacKkKlansman when he hid in the green room, only to come out on stage for a bow with the rest of the cast.

Picture of Driver
Legendary Pictures
Legendary Pictures

When forced to watch Star Wars: The Force Awakens, he said, "Because I knew the scene was coming up where I had to kill Han Solo, and people were, like, hyperventilating when the title came up, and I felt like I had to puke."


Emma Stone Walked Out Of Easy A


While speaking with rising star Timothée Chalamet on Variety's "Actor on Actor" series, Emma Stone admitted that she walked out of the screening of her 2010 hit movie Easy A, saying, "I haven't seen it. No, I’ve seen some scenes. But I went to a friends and family screening to see it, and I had to get up and walk out. Who wants to watch themselves for that long?"

Picture of Stone
Sony Pictures
Sony Pictures

Stone further explained that she was so young at the time and felt so much pressure about the movie that actually watching it was too much.


Jared Leto Never Watched The Movie That Earned Him An Oscar


There's no reason why Jared Leto wouldn't know that his performance in Dallas Buyer's Club wasn't going to go down in history. Regardless, Leto never saw the final cut of the film before he won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his role of Rayon.

Picture of Leto
Focus Features
Focus Features

In 2014, Leto admitted, I have not seen the film yet, I think one day I will watch it, because, you know, I'll be curious at some point. But it was such an intense role. It's better for me to just leave it alone right now."


Megan Fox Has Still Never Seen Jennifer's Body


At arguably the height of her acting career, Megan Fox starred in the teen horror flick Jennifer's Body. Yet, she had a hard time seeing herself on screen, and when talking to Entertainment Tonight, she said that when she saw a clip, she responded by proclaiming, "Ugh, kill me! Just kill me! Why are you doing this to me? Just smother me or something!"

Picture of Fox
Fox Atomic
Fox Atomic

Apparently, she shies away from watching herself because she wants to shed her young image as an attractive actress in Hollywood.


Constance Wu Avoided Seeing Hustlers


While on Live with Kelly and Ryan, Constance Wu said that although she has seen some of her work such as Crazy Rich Asians, she was yet to sit down and watch her work on Hustlers.

Picture of Wu

She stated that her reasoning behind this was, "I thought 'I want to focus on the present and not be self-critical and think too much [or] dwell too much on the past.' However, there was a rumor that this might be because some said she wasn't the friendliest to work with.


Reese Witherspoon Spirals Out Of Control


Reese Witherspoon has gone on to admit that she avoids watching her own movies, even clips because it leads her to "spiral into a state of self-hate."

Picture of Witherspoon
Fox Searchlight Pictures
Fox Searchlight Pictures

On Chelsea Lately, she added, "I don't know who feels good looking at themselves. Nobody, right? It's torture. Why would you want to watch yourself being stupid and pretending to be somebody else?" So, it's clear that Witherspoon has some pretty solid feelings when it comes to viewing her own work.


Tom Hanks Doesn't Like To Look In The Past


Tom Hanks may be one of the best-known actors in Hollywood, but he's definitely not full of himself. In a 2016 interview with ABC News, Hanks noted that he doesn't watch many of his past films, especially the hits like Forrest Gump, Cast Away, and Philadelphia, each of which he was nominated for Best Actor.

Picture of Hanks
20th Century Fox
20th Century Fox

He says that watching your own movies is a mistake "because you never learn what to do. You only sort of learn what not to do. The thing about looking at the old movies is that they don't change."


Joaquin Phoenix Has Only Seen A Handful Of His Movies


Back in a 2015, Joaquin Phoenix unsurprisingly revealed that he hadn't seen any of his many films except for Her and The Master. He told Time Out London, "I thought I might be mature enough to watch and learn. To think: These are the mistakes that were made. But it's still something I struggle with."

Picture of Phoenix
Warner Bros.
Warner Bros.

Yet, he shocked the theater when he made an appearance at a screening of Joker, thanking the audience for attending. Of course, nobody knows if he was there for the whole showing.


Angelina Jolie Only Heard Good Things About Changeling


In the past, Angelina Jolie has opened up about her hesitation of watching her own films, although she said she'd be willing to watch Changeling, just not at the moment.

Picture of Jolie
Universal Studios
Universal Studios

She commented, "I never like to watch myself ever. I still haven't seen [it but] I heard it was fun. I feel like I did something right if I can watch something and feel removed enough. I can watch this movie. I'm proud of this. I think it's a really beautiful film. You'd have to ask Brad [Pitt], but I think he likes this one."


Julianne Moore Has Won Awards For Films She Hasn't Seen


Julianne Moore has been recognized as an incredible actor, being nominated for several awards and taking some home too. Even though she has a reason to be proud of her work, she still doesn't enjoy watching her films, even ones like Still Alice.

Picture of Moore
Sony Pictures Classic
Sony Pictures Classic

In an interview with Daily Express, she admitted, "I still haven't seen any of my own movies. I can't sit there for a premiere or anything. I like being in the movie more than I like watching them. That's my big thrill, rather than seeing the finished product."


Jesse Eisenberg Hasn't Seen A Number Of His Films


Although he may be a household name, The Social Network star told the Washington City Paper that he doesn't really even go to movies in general, in particular, the films that he's in.

Picture of Eisenberg
Sony Pictures
Sony Pictures

He mentioned, "I don't like to celebrate myself and revel in my good achievements [...] If I have to see a movie I’m in, which I’ve had to in the past, it’s a mortifying experience." The one movie is known to have seen was a public screening of The Social Network in New York City.


Michael Caine Couldn't Bear To Watch Jaws: The Revenge


Michael Caine has been featured in more than 100 films over his career, yet one of his least memorable is Jaws: The Revenge, the fourth film in the franchise. From the beginning, Caine knew that Jaws: The Revenge was going to be embarrassing, so he stayed far away.

Picture of Caine
Universal Pictures
Universal Pictures

When asked if he's seen the movie he replied, "No. But I've seen the house it bought for my mum. It's fantastic! Hey, if you're going to be in a movie that's known for its awful visual effects, you might as well get paid for it."


Michael Shannon Struggled With Man Of Steel


A sequel to Batman V Superman, Michael Shannon admitted that he had a hard time getting through Man of Steel. Nevertheless, this wasn't for lack of trying or because he didn't like the movie.

Warner Brothers
Warner Brothers

He told a Fandango reporter, "OK, I'll tell you the god’s honest truth. Zack [Snyder] is gonna kill me for this - he’s gonna kill me. I watched it once, and I fell asleep." Supposedly, he was on a flight when it happened, so it was only to be expected.


Ben Foster Is Selective About What He Watches


While Ben Foster has admitted that he watched Hell or High Water, for the most part, Foster has revealed that he doesn't watch too many of his movies.

Picture of Foster

He told Metro, "I don't enjoy watching what I do most of the time [...] I'm usually pretty disappointed with how it was handled. That’s the hard truth about it. Filmmakers and financiers come under pressure to serve a certain result, and that’s not necessarily the one we started with." We wouldn't want to watch a movie under that much pressure either.


Zac Efron Finds His Work Cringy


Ever since Zac Efron got his start on Disney, more specifically the High School Musical franchise, he has been a household name and been posted on teenage girls' walls. When it comes to watching his own movies, he describes himself as a "cringer," although it isn't as hard for him years down the line

Picture of Efron

He explains that "especially the first time around, pick out every single flaw, or things I could have and should have done better [...] I don't know why, but I tend to dwell on those things."


Andrew Garfield Has Been Forced To Watch His Movies


While promoting his 2010 film Never Let Me Go, in an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Andrew Garfield told reporters, "I haven't actually seen the movie. I try not to." Garfield fears that he’ll learn or see something about himself which will mess with his head. I don’t want to be aware of what I’m doing. As soon as I am, I’m less open.”

Picture of Garfield
Sony Pictures
Sony Pictures

However, he said that he did sit down to watch The Social Network, only because "They made me watch that one."


Al Pacino Passes On His Own Flicks


Al Pacino has been involved in some of Hollywood's most iconic films such as The Godfather, Scarface, and more. Speaking to USA Today in 2019, Pacino mentions that he doesn't rewatch a lot of his work.

Picture of Pacino
Paramount Pictures
Paramount Pictures

He commented, "There's no real need [to go back]. I've seen it; I know what it is [...] If it's good, I feel lucky. If it's not, it's something you try to forget." He went on to add that if he does see an old movie on TV he might watch a few scenes.


Billie Piper Even Stops Her Loved Ones From Watching Her Work


British actress Billie Piper resents seeing the projects she's in so much that she takes it one step further. In a 2008 interview, she even said that she banned her then-husband, Laurence Fox, from watching her.

Picture of Piper
Icon Film
Icon Film

She stated, "He has never seen an episode of Doctor Who with me in it because I won't let him [...] Sitting down to watch my performances makes me cry. It's even worse watching it with another actor, because he can dissect your performance."